TEK7 Global offers an extensive range of engineering, operational and management services so we can provide a custom solution for each client and project.
Key areas in which we work also include:
- Oil & Gas
- Iron Ore
- Water & Waste Water Management
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Mining & Minerals
- Innovation
- Environment
At TEK7, we work closely with our customers from the outset, developing lasting relationships and undertaking thorough research and development as we deliver on and surpass project expectations. Our portfolio of services includes:
- Design
The design service including 3D modelling, detailed design, basic design for mechanical, instrument, electrical, piping and process engineering.

- High-end engineering
- Analysis based on modern engineering tools and techniques (CFD and FEA)
Every process can benefit from FEA/CFD analysis services that enable structural, dynamic, seismic, thermal, and fluid dynamics validations. In TEK7, we utilise the most advanced numerical simulation software packages to achieve the best possible outcome and provide deep insight into the contributing factors affecting process/product development.

- Commissioning
- Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and Site Acceptance Testing (SAT)
We have solid experience in managing plant commissioning, testing, and performance verification functions including (pre-commissioning, cold commissioning, and hot commissioning). TEK7 has well-defined process to perform all the activities for clients and to ensure maximum safety and reliability.

- Process engineering
We offer provide insightful technical expertise during all phases of processes. Our people can effectively problem solve and optimise required process adopting advanced techniques and technologies. Process flow diagrams, detailed mass and energy balances, specify size and cost all the process equipment in the process flowsheet and in general designing/ redesigning processes as well as optimising current system to achieve improved performance targets, are part of process engineering services in TEK7.

- Optimisation (utilising Artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms)
- Project management
- Engineering Consultation
- Procurement Management
We offer a variety of project management services such as project execution schedules (detailing task cost, time & resource allocation) and cost estimating (estimating total installed cost for projects). The project managers at TEK7 are experienced and highly skilled managers with engineering background.
- Combustion services
TEK7 Global actively collaborates with business partners around the world to achieve the best possible results for clients.

TEK7 offers many of the above services and products as well as Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling services to improve thermal efficiency and production for increased profitability.